Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
This year we had an amazing group of students involved in theatresports. Cole, an ex student turned tutor, ran theatresports every Monday lunch time. Here are some pictures of the senior theatresports competition which ran late this year (Sophie, Sian and Justin).

Junior Drama

This year our wonderful junior drama classes have been learning about the back ground of Drama such as different forms of theatre as well as the back stage component of drama. This has shown them all the vast pathways drama creates with the core being working together as a group. Drama encompasses, technologies such as: special effects make-up, costuming, lighting design and set up, sound, stage fighting, prop/set building and filming. As well as developing their sense of self, management, performance skills, participating and contributing and improving their ability to relate to others.

Years 11 and 12
Year 11 and 12 had a combined class this year. They supported them selves well. Their Shakespeare and Melodrama nights were a huge success. Their end of year performances had some amazing moments. This group of students were rather skilled in prop making and back stage work and helped a great deal with our major musical.

Year 13

Late in November our Year 13 students performed in their final productions. This had been an exciting, busy and challenging year which went all too fast. Seeing them do their final productions gave me time to reflect on when I first met most of these amazing bunch of actors
in Year 10, and just how much they have grown into the wonderful people I know today. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.

Level 1 Visual Art Folio Successes

Congratulations to all the Year 11 students who completed their external art folios this year. This is a major achievement and a considerable body of work.
The folio is worth 12 credits towards their NCEA Level 1 qualification and incorporates elements of two other internal standards.
Learners explored the theme of 'the world around me'. Students could choose how they responded to this theme, be it cultural, environmental, digital (social media), or political. Through this, learners generate, develop and clarify their own ideas and art-making.
Folios are not only an opportunity to create their own art-making in response to a theme, but also to learn time management skills, risk taking and project management.
As always Miss Whiteman and Ms Lange are super proud of our 2019 Year 11 learners.

Level 2 Painting Folio Successes
We are proud of our Level 2 painters who have produced some substantial bodies of work this year. An external folio represents the development and regeneration of ideas generated from two internal standards.

Learners start with the theme of "Vanitas" and then respond to this in their own context. Ideas have ranged from digital foot prints to fertility issues, demise of the human race, and pop culture and commercialism.

Congratulations to Mario Cvetkoski who received the Gavin Bishop Trophy for Excellence in Visual Arts Painting.
Level 2 Photography Folios

Jessica Canton-Schimanski was the winner of the Bruce McMillan Senior Photography trophy.
Cheeseburgers A Real Treat

Linwood College at Ōtākaro’s Jazz Band has been working hard all year and proved that hard work pays off.
In the JazzQuest competition on Saturday August 3rd, the Cheeseburgers delivered a 30 minute set at Ara Jazz School and received a silver award for their performance.
Their second competition, at the Southern Jam Festival in Blenheim, which kicked off on the 7th of August, built on that early success for an "amazing and incredible," performance. The band ended up with 2 awards: a silver award and adjudicators' choice for over all best stage performance and group composition. Overall, the band enjoyed their trip and felt accomplished from doing so well.
Through out the year the Cheeseburgers have played 8 concerts, including a final performance at the ABS theatre in Blenheim in front of an audience of over 1,000 people. Swimming in the river, camp fires and ultimate frisbee are some of the activities that the students enjoyed during their down time on this 6 day festival tour.

Celebrating Music Month
Watch this clip to see how the Music Department celebrated Music Month.
Jazz Cats Perform Live On What Now
Watch this clip to see our very own Jazz Cats performing on What Now.