Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Learning Acceleration
2019 has been a year of new beginnings for our area of learning, beginning with a new name ‘Learning Acceleration' and a new Head of Learning Acceleration, myself, Tracey Jongens.
During the year we have developed our support for ākonga at Linwood College through some of the existing programmes such as:
Learning Solutions which focuses on supporting senior students to achieve unit standards in learning areas that are not aligned with a particular subject class, or for students who have needed additional standards and credits to complete their NCEA Level 1 and 2. Julie Brosnan has led this busy area of our department throughout the year, and as well, Julie has continued her responsibility for transitioning students who enrol at Linwood College during the year.
STEPSWEB has been offered again this year for a number of our junior (Years 7-10) students by Karen Chadderton. The students in this programme are working on developing their confidence around word knowledge and reading. Some students have used this digital programme in their classes and in their own time to develop their skills.
As well we have introduced new programmes to our Learning Acceleration kete:
At the beginning of term 3 we were delighted to appoint a Literacy/Numeracy teacher, Whaea Sharon Te Ngaru. With Sharon’s arrival we were able to offer a new reading programme SEVEN PLUS to groups of our junior ākonga. The Seven Plus programme is designed to develop a reader’s confidence in reading text, develop their vocabulary knowledge and their understanding.
HE TIMATANGA HOU was a new initiative this year in our area. This programme was introduced at the beginning of term 3 and the focus of the programme was to support a small group of new enrolments into our school through a graduated pathway, designed to increase confidence for the students.
TAKU ARA PONO (TAP) was also implemented in term 3. Our first cohort of students in this programme consisted of Year 9 learners. The TAP programme uses the SPEC resources (South Pacific Education Courses) and consists of 11 modules of work which are completed over a 3 year programme. The learning in these modules is designed to be high interest, learner focused and success orientated with a focus on preparing the ākonga for life after school.
We have continued to support many ākonga through the wonderful work of our TLearning Assistants in classes. We are indebted to the amazing work and support of Cindy Craigie, Dave Lene, Will Powell, Victoria Francis, Carlene Kiesanowski, Raewyn Wahnig, Anna-May Reid, Nick Niebulr and Natalie Triggs. During the year we had Usipua Simaileu working with us and were very sorry when she told us she was moving on.
P17 is the space we occupy at Linwood College at Ōtākaro. On any given day, a range of ākonga will spend time in this space and for many it is a place they feel very comfortable visiting during their day.
Looking back, 2019 has been a very big year in our learning area. We have worked with a large number of ākonga and it has been wonderful to celebrate acceleration in learning of many of these ākonga.