Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Tabloid Sports

This year we have four new houses competing for the top spot at the end of the year. We have Waiporoporo, Karaka, Kākāriki and Kōwhai. The students have bought into the new system, and have been showing great house spirit over the first few weeks of 2019. This was especially evident when Linwood College had Tabloids Sports on the 15th of February. As soon as students started arriving at school there was a real buzz around the campus. Students were wearing green, yellow, orange and purple from head to toe. There were wacky costumes, including a dinosaur, turtles, fairies and a frog. Tabloids Sports took place over periods 4 and 5, and saw the students take part in a number of fun games including, egg and spoon races, sack races and tug of war. Based on this event, competition to be the top house will be fierce, and we are sure that the next event, house quiz competition, will be fiercely contested too!

Term 2 saw the house lipsyc enthusiastically supported by all houses. In a tightly contested event, Kōwhai sneaked in for the win. Special note went to the Karaka staff for a stunning Spice Girls performance.
Lipsync Battle

House Netball Challenge
In August our minor house event at Linwood College was netball.
We had an awesome week where every house competed against the others to find the ultimate winner. This year Kōwhai took the honours of first place by defeating the other houses.
In the big finale, Kōwhai played the staff team. We had a fantastic turn out of players for both teams and supporters who helped encourage the staff team to a victory of 10-1.
A massive thank you to the students for coming along every lunch time and displaying the best of their sporting abilities and their awesome fair play. It was so very cool to witness. In addition, thanks to the staff, refs and the students who turned up to show support for the players on the court. And lastly, a big thank you to the House Coordinators for organising this event.
The week was filled with team spirit, excitement and good sportsmanship which was evident throughout the school for this event!
Linwood College House Co-ordinators