Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Faka’alofa lahi atu, Ni sa bula, Taloha ni, Kia Orana and a warm Pasifika greeting from the Linwood College Pasifika students!
We have had a busy year with Polyfest in term 1 which was put on hold because of the tragic shooting event. I would like to personally commend our Pasifika senior leaders for how they dealt with our junior students and family who had arrived.
The Spacpac events were in full swing during term 2 with Pasifika Canterbury Speeches and Leadership Awards. These students placed in their division
Fijian Junior 2nd place - Epeli Nayacalevu
Tongan Junior 2nd place - Letiola Senituli
English Senior 1st place winner - David Siumu
Senior students participated in the University of Canterbury XL mentoring and tutoring programme, the Nationwide Pasifika run homework program which Linwood College hosted for terms 1 and 2 then celebrated with our Tamai Pasifika Awards Night in term 4.
We are looking forward to the much needed break for our Pasifika students and anticipate the holiday practices ahead to lessen the time away from home due to Polyfest held in term 1 2020.
There have been some amazing standouts with our Pasifika senior and junior leaders, Pasifika sports experts, academic scholars, UC XL student representatives, PYLAT nominees and active Power Up participants, this, speaks volumes of how hard our Pasifika students have been working!

Pasifika Leadership Breakfast
Some photographs from Friday 31 May's Pasifika Leadership Breakfast with David Siumu, Moahengi Ngauamo and Moahengi's proud mum Tulu.

Tamai Cultural Celebration

This year Tamai hosted a cultural celebration for the schools within their Kāhui Ako. This purpose of the celebration was to acknowledge all the diverse communities that we have within out Kāhui and to offer an opportunity for these cultures to be celebrated. Students participated from Linwood Avenue School, Bromely School, Linwood College, Whītau School and Te Waka Unua.
Tamai Pasifika

Tamai Pasifika 2019 is a new way to connect and celebrate our academic and Pasifika successes within our cluster. We are the largest Pacific Island student population in the South Island, which should be acknowledged and celebrated!
This is a student lead event, building future event managers, public speakers and of course educational change makers for the Pasifika people.
Tamai is made up of Linwood College, Te Waka Unua, Bromley, Linwood Ave, Whitau, Bamford and Tamariki schools.

Other Cultural Events

Term 2 visit from the UC XL team.

Spacpac speech winners. Thanks to Miss Kilbride for helping!

Raranga Tāhi

Filipino Community in a
Multi-cultural Festival

Some of our students represented the community in a multi-cultural festival organised by the Migrants and Newcomers Group of Waimakariri District at the Tuahiwi Marae.
On Saturday 9th November, participants were welcomed on to the marae with a traditional pōwhiri involving a karanga, whaikōrero (speeches) of welcome, greetings and a hongi.
This event celebrated the vibrant mix of cultures across our community, with participants from China, Netherlands, India, Iran and other countries. Attendees brought a plate of food to share from their own culture or country.
Our students performed the traditional Filipino dance 'Tinikling' (bamboo dance) where, to the delight of every one present, even the newly elected mayor of Waimakariri District, Dan Gordon and a Dutch National gave it a try when invited to do so.