Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Orana Park Field Trip
In June Year 13 students conducted behavioural studies at Orana Park for their investigation standard. This involved one day of learning how to record animal behaviours and deciding on which animal to investigate, and two days of recording the behaviours. Students were privileged to have Professor Elissa Cameron from the University of Canterbury to help with experimental design and to provide academic papers and advice. The Biology Department would also like to thank The Warehouse Zoofari Programme which provided funds to cover the buses and the entrance to the Park.
Garden Bed Construction
With our move to the Ōtākaro site one of the things we had to leave behind was the garden used by Science students for many years. We were fortunate that we were able to bring over the raised beds.
During the term 3 holidays the old swimming pool behind the Science labs was filled and then some Year 10 volunteers put up the garden beds from the Aldwins Road site ready for the Science students at the start of 2020.
The students have worked hard to remove the many stones and use their maths skills and superior eye sight to get everything lined up and nailed up.
A huge thank you to these students for their hard work and hopefully they will be able to eat the fruits of their labour next year.


He Puna Pūtaiao
He Puna Pūtaiao is a programme for Year 10 Māori students from a selection of Christchurch schools.
Puna means to well up or to flow, so symbolically represents youth or rangatahi. It's meaning may also incorporate research because in a sense research is meant to flow out and create meaningfulness so as to fill the kete or baskets of knowledge. Pūtaiao is science, so He Puna Pūtaiao connotes research, youth and science.
He Puna Pūtaiao engages students in the culture of science by involving them in scientific research. Using the context of water quality
in Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere) students are mentored in literature reviews, and collecting and analysing data in the field, before presenting their findings both in e-book format and as a research poster displayed at a Pō Whakanui at the end of the programme.
This year six students (Kadence Watson-Hall, Willow Tiopira,
Alishia Williams, Justace Joseph-Davis, Tailah Davis-Joseph and
Zara Lockhart) represented Linwood College at the He Puna Putaiao programme along with teachers Mr Singh and Ms Johnson.

Water Clarity in Urban Christchurch

In term 1 the Level 3 Science class carried out an investigation on the water clarity in urban Christchurch for an NCEA assessment. Students collected water samples from different sites and tested the water turbidity as well as other physical factors. This was done before and after heavy rainfall.
Students worked well in their teams, provided extra training for some on the use of the equipment and communicated well. It was a good team building activity as it made our class interact with people outside of our normal friend groups.
This year we were lucky that we managed to have some heavy rainfall a week after our first site visit - the only rain for the month so we did get our data. Previous year's data also proved useful when a number of samples were mislabelled back in class so were able to make use of their data. Back at school we completed the less exciting part - writing up our report which every one did successfully.

Level 2 Biology Field Trip to Arthur’s Pass
In term 1 students from the Level 2 Biology class visited a section of beech forest near the Linwood College school house at Arthur’s Pass. The purpose of the visit was to collect data and make observations of the beech forest to prepare them for an achievement standard assessment. Students surveyed the different species of plants present along a 20 metre section of forest, including heights of all plants, light levels, humidity, and evidence of herbivores. Students enjoyed the experience and were quick to learn the names of the different plant species present in the beech forest.

Pūhoro/Stem Academy
Linwood students were awarded the top prize at the Āmua Ao Engineering Young Māori Minds at Ara Institute of Canterbury.
Year 9 and 10 students were given six different challenges to solve, each based on a different myth, to help them explore solutions based on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
One of the tasks saw students put their minds together to create drones. It was a challenge based on the legend of Tane ascending to the skies to retrieve the three baskets of knowledge. Another project involved creating an hydraulic claw that could grab Rona, who legend says was carried to the skies after she offended Mārama (the Moon).
The sessions were run by Massey University's Pūhoro STEM Academy, with students coming from Avonside Girls High School, Cashmere High School, Hagley College, Shirley Boys' High School, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi and Te Pā o Rākaihautū School.
At the end of the day the mentors assessed the results of the students work and awarded points to each group. Linwood College was delighted to be awarded first prize overall and was given a trophy which is on display in our reception area.
Kaihautū team leader for Pūhoro STEM Academy, Leland Ruwhiu, said the aim of the event was to give Māori students an opportunity to see science in a different way.

Year 12 Physics Trip
On Monday 8th April Year 12 Science class went to Rutherford’s Den at the Canterbury Arts Centre and the University of Canterbury to learn about Rutherford’s experiment and radiation for our Year 12 Physics topic “Atomic and Nuclear Physics”. At Rutherford’s Den we learnt all about Rutherford’s famous gold foil experiment that split the atom. In the photos you can see students performing a dramatization of the experiment. In the afternoon we went to the radioactive labs where we held rods of uranium and used Geiger counters to discover that carrots could stop some types of radiation. One of the most popular activities was playing with liquid nitrogen. We froze chocolate and some biscuits and then ate them! It was a great day of learning and experiencing the University of Canterbury.

Year 7 and 8 Science
Click on these links to watch Year 7 and 8 students explaining Science concepts.
Year 11 Chemistry Competition

For the first time in many years, Linwood College was represented in the annual Year 11 Chemistry Competition held at Ara. Becky Bennetts, Daniel Nieuwenhuize, and
Phoenix Evans did LCŌ proud with their impressive team work and impeccable manners.