Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
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Year 9 Class Photos
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English Language Learners
Kimihia Teen Parents' College
Letter From the Head Teacher at Kimihia - Diane Atkins
To whānau, staff and students who attended Kimihia Teen Parents’ College in 2019.
This has been a very successful year for many of the students at Kimihia. I have witnessed the girls’ progress from quiet and apprehensive people into confident and successful learners. With staff help, the leavers have put in place their next steps for their 2020 courses and childcare. They are now in a position to feel confident about their future and can show their own child how to be successful when the time is right. I also wish Christa, Holly, Sophie and Raquel all the best for the birth of their new babies in the New Year. Staff and students have enjoyed a happy year together and I have highlighted some of our experiences in 2019 below:
Health and wellbeing: Kimihia has maintained a focus on being a smoke-free and water only school. We also provide yoga on Monday morning to support the girls with their wellbeing and health. With two classes it provides the advanced students the opportunity to maintain and upskill and the second class supports the beginners and pregnant girls. Letesha is an amazing teacher and we thank her for her efforts. We would also like to congratulate her on her marriage at the end of this year.
Trips this year: The trip to the Canterbury Show in term 4 was a great chance for the girls to take their babies out and enjoy a day together. The weather wasn’t too hot which made it easier on the mothers. As usual there was plenty to see, animals to observe and food to eat. Thanks to the Red Bus drivers joining us for the day we were able get there early and leave when we wanted. Willowbank on the 6th of December is another planned trip for both the TPU and ELC. This is a great opportunity for all staff to enjoy time together with both Kimihia children and the community families.
Our community: Due to the efforts of Becky Ward, for the third year running the Sumner community filled up a room located in the Sumner Library with donated clothes and toys for our students. The students decided to repay the Sumner community by having a beach clean up day towards the end of the year. A big thanks to Becky for her continued support of Kimihia. The barista team have been very busy each week raising money to enable them to go on trips at the end of the year. Thanks to our Early Learning Centre and the Bird and Animal Hospital staff we have had a continuous flow of orders for coffee and muffins.
Culture: The Culture group have continued to be led by Vai and Jemma this year. We thank them for their efforts and have enjoyed the singing the girls have performed at the end of term celebrations. At the end of this year the girls have planned to sing a tribute song to Jeannette and perform for the first time using rākau sticks.
Tribute to Jeannette Collis: Jeannette has been a part of Kimihia for many years and has been many things to many people. Her support for staff and students has been unquestionably above and beyond at times, and very much appreciated. Jeannette has decided it is time to retire and spend time with family and friends. We are sad she is leaving but also happy for her that she will enjoy the next part of her life.
It has been great to see all students having success with NCEA this year. I again congratulate James and Bianca for their continued dedication to improving the students’ lives and their qualifications.
A big thank you also goes out to Dick Edmundson for his support, Allison our nurse, Esther our counsellor, Dan our careers liaison and Jean our Tourism teacher. A big thanks for all the care and guidance you all provided in 2019.
We also thank the Early Learning Centre Manager Radhika, and all her staff, for the care of the children and the mothers from Kimihia.
Congratulations to Red Bus and their valued drivers for providing us with a great service.
Thanks to Rata Foundation for their financial support of Kimihia
I look forward to welcoming all the returning students, babies, children and staff for a successful 2020.
Diane Atkins
Head Teacher