Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

From LCŌ's "Great Gatsby" themed senior formal.
School Formal

This year the school formal had the highest attendance in a number of years with over 170 students participating. The theme was Great Gatsby. The student committee spent weeks planning and preparing for the event. They participated in weekly meetings and scouted talent for our photographer and DJ.
On the day the students from the committee arrived early on Saturday to get the venue decorated. The lights and balloons went up, the table decorations laid out and the red carpet rolled out.

The guest began arriving at 7:00 pm. The students were well dressed and looked very sharp. The DJ arrived and the party began. Students made use of the photographer and photo booth, and enjoyed some finger food. Many students danced all night long and even some staff joined in. All in all, everyone had a great time.

Festival of Nations
The annual Festival of Nations, held on 24 May, was a huge success! This event, hosted by the English Language Learning Department, showcases the diverse cultures of our students and provides an opportunity for the Linwood College community to get together and celebrate unity and tolerance. We were privileged to welcome Members of Parliament, a Christchurch City Councillor and schools from the community to the festival. The event kicked off with a parade – students carried the flags of 55 different countries with Daniel the stilt man, fairy Lily Peas Blossom, a Chinese Dragon, and Romanian
and Middle Eastern dancers adding to the colour and excitement of the parade. All attendees were invited to join the parade and walk alongside the flag of the country they identify with.
Dishes from different countries were on the lunch menu, followed by music and dance performances by Linwood College students, representing their countries of origin, as well as performers from the community. This year's event will be a hard act to follow in 2020!

Duke of Edinburgh
International Award

Over the period 28-30 May 2019, 13 Year 10 students from Linwood College completed an arduous 60 km, 3 day, Duke of Edinburgh International Award Adventurous journey with the Joshua Foundation.
The students started on the Banks Peninsula and completed the journey at Sumner.
Joshua Foundation has delivered the award for Linwood College for the past 12 years and has facilitated the award for over 400 students, with students gaining the bronze, silver and gold awards.
Chris was very proud of the participants. They arrived as strangers and left as great mates.

Aupaki Top Team Challenge
On Tuesday 5 March and Wednesday 6 March all our Year 7-9 students attended Aupaki Top Team. Students attended in their house for half a day each. They worked alongside our Aupaki schools (Mt Pleasant, Sumner, Redcliffs, Star of the Sea) on 10-11 different activities. Each activity lasted 4 minutes, so the time went quickly before they moved on to the next event.
These days were organised by Sport Canterbury and was set up to get students working with children from other schools. Each group relied on developing strong co-operative skills within their group.
We were fortunate to have two lovely hot days and the water activities offered some cool relief from the sun. It was certainly a lot of fun.
This is an annual event and we are looking forward to attending again next year.

Farewell to Our Old Site
Farewell Celebration Weekend
Many many months ago planning began for a weekend of farewell and celebration, Friday-Saturday 5-6 April, for ex-LHS/LC students. This was an opportunity for these former students to say good bye to their high school as they knew it and to learn about its forthcoming positive redevelopment.
It was a wonderful weekend with over 350 people attending the "conversazione" on Friday night in the hall. For many it was reviving decades-old friendships. A former student, Leonie Freeman, spoke about how LHS had influenced her and her subsequent career. Also at this event, a new initiative, The Linwood Foundation, was launched by Marg Foster, an ex-LHS and former Silver Fern. The Foundation is the way in which former LHS/LC students can give back to their school.
Saturday began with a morning tea for the "54ers", the foundation students who were here for the school's first year in 1954. We learned of how one boy had got up at 5 am on opening day to ensure that he was the first student officially through the gate.
The day continued with an open day and various student performances. Again, many hundreds of former students embraced the opportunity to revisit old haunts and revive memories. The day formally ended with a moving farewell ceremony address from another former student, the Very Rev Mike Hawke, Anglican Dean of Nelson Cathedral.
We thank Linda Rutland, ex-LHS herself, and a parent of a recent LC student, who suggested holding this weekend and was chair of the organising committee.

English Language Learning students created a poster for the Linwood College Farewell Celebration, expressing the sentiments of current and past students. We will cherish the memories!

Our Move to Linwood College at Ōtākaro
At the end of term 2 we boxed up all our belongings, deciding what we should keep, move and store until we are back on site at Aldwins Road. Then came the mammoth job of physically moving it to our new site and unpacking every thing, working out where it would go, and how our spaces should be used. Below are a few photos of this process. Now that we are all settled we are appreciating our "upgrade before we upgrade".

First Days at Our New Site

Right: Our first assembly at our new site. It was held in the gym as the hall isn't able to be used.

Linwood College Learners Shine at LYFE Festival

The Linwood LYFE Festival celebrated it's 21st birthday in term 1 and a strong group of Linwood College learners was an integral part of the event management crew.
Linwood College has been heavily involved in the LYFE festival since its start and this year was certainly no exception. Learners from Years 7 to 13 have been part of the planning crew since term 4 last year and have gained excellent event management/leadership skills throughout this time.
At the LYFE event itself, our learners stood out in their bright yellow shirts as they set up/ran activities, coordinated stage performers, organised stalls and generally ensured that the large group of festival goers had a brilliant afternoon.

Success for Coast to
Coast Rangers

Ten Linwood College students took part in the annual Coast to Coast event in style on Saturday 9th February 2019.
The students who participated were:
Tane Bradshaw
Justin Howland
Conrad Kearns
Orion Lynch
Moahengi Ngauamo
Finn Pearce
Aaron Skow
Emi Stott
Dylan Taylor
Aleisha Ungerbroeck
We thank in particular two adult volunteers, Jess de Bonte and Reon Nolan, who devoted hundreds of volunteer hours to training, encouraging, organising, teaching and supporting these students.
Jess worked hard to get funding support through Pac n Save, Kathmandu and Cockram Nissan. The hours she poured into making this event happen were mammoth.
The students in return committed themselves with great discipline and trained, trained and trained to make the event a memorable event that will remain in their lives as a significant achievement. There
were no significant records broken, but this was never the intent.
As Jess put it, “No placing was ever the plan. They all did amazingly. The best yet!! Beautiful manners and gratitude from them all weekend. I’m proud.”
Emi Stott and Conrad Kearns won their age category in the mountain run section of Coast to Coast 2019.

Bullying Free Week

Student well-being team
Bullying Free Week: celebrating being us, and standing together to stop bullying.
Linwood College learners and kaiako focused on a week of kindness during NZ's bullying free week. The focus for the week was in celebrating being us.
The student well-being team rolled out daily kindness challenges to promote kindness and acceptance of others. Some challenges were to greet someone in their own language, write a compliment to a colleague, or perform a random act of kindness. The week ended with pink shirt day when Linwood students dressed in pink in support of speaking up and standing together to stop bullying.
In our assembly, the student well-being team spoke about wanting Linwood College to be a safe and caring environment where every one is valued and supported, a place where we celebrate our differences, and accept and encourage one another. They encouraged students to choose their words and actions carefully so that every one feels safe and valued. They spoke about the power of positive words and challenged all students to be upstanders and not bystanders if they see any bullying.
On pink shirt day there was free strawberry milk and cup cakes for sale. There was a really positive buzz around the school during the week - a kindness buzz that we want to keep growing.

Above: Students wrote what they will do to support others and to help stop bullying at LC
Right: KarEWI - 1st prize winners of Ako photo comp
Below right: staff

Right: WaiBCD - 2nd prize winners of Ako photo comp

In term 2 eight of our Year 8 students were lucky enough to be able to attend a two day technology conference called Techfest, run by the Aupaki Kāhui Ako.
This is an exciting time, where teachers from different schools came together at Sumner Primary School to run work shops on a range of different technologies. Students got to work with students from the other Aupaki Kāhui Ako schools in an area of technology they were passionate about.
Our students were selected to participate in a variety of workshops, such as 3D printing, where students were making their own 3D keepsakes, Appcreator, where students had the chance to create their own app and E-Textiles, where students utilised traditional sewing as well as learning how to sew in a range of gadgets. We also had students working on coding and programming and creating music.
All in all, the students had an exciting two days of learning outside the classroom environment and learned some very useful skills for our technologically evolving world.

Road Show
During term 2, highly successful road shows were held at our Tamai and Aupaki Kāhui Ako primary schools.
The road shows were comprised of activities designed and led by our Linwood College school leaders across all year levels. Learners from the primary schools, who were in their final years at those schools, had the opportunity to take part in a range of the fun, engaging learning activities that are available at Linwood College, such as sport, drama, music, Māori and French.
It was wonderful to see excellent connections made between Linwood College and primary learners at all of the schools we visited.
After the activities session, the learners at the various primary schools experienced a presentation by senior Linwood College staff, prefects and the Principal. Part of this presentation was an introduction to the rebuild design plans for the new Linwood College.

Little Shop of Horrors Musical

Much to Mr Russell and my delight we were able to obtain the rights to “Little Shop of Horrors”. This had been a musical we had both loved growing up and we had talked about it being our next musical many times.
The students got into the idea of the story line really fast and the excitement grew through out the year. Finally, when we got to perform it. We had amazing help from the food technology area to put on a truly exciting dining/show experience for our audience, not to mention all the help from various other areas of the school to make the set, costumes and help with make up. I want to send a heart felt thanks to all involved, with out the help of many, these amazing opportunities can not be realised for our tamariki. It was a fitting send off for our old hall and school, which wasn’t with out it's sadness. Bring on 2021 for our next major school musical.
Mrs Boyce-Da Cruz

Ski Trip
In September 20 brave students met before day break on a Friday morning to head to Mt Hutt.
All packed, with thermals and sun screen, students embarked in the school vans to Methven, where we traded the vans for a more salubrious local bus to travel up the mountain. On arrival, we quickly sorted our skis, boots, boards and helmets before dashing off for our lessons.

An hour of fun on the snow with the sun while being instructed was most enjoyable, especially as most of the learners were first timers. Students then got to spend the rest of the day practicing new found skills. Our crew was really lucky because the sun soon disappeared and the wind came up, which meant they had to close the top lift and most of the other skiers/boarders left, leaving us with the mountain almost to ourselves.

Linwood Student Volunteers
In September Linwood College students volunteered with the Richmond Community Garden to help with the many tasks in beautifying the area and creating a garden for the community to enjoy.
Right on our door step at LCŌ, the community volunteer work has great benefits for our students, engaging with different members of the community, building their CVs with positive experiences, and being a positive part of wider community engagement.

Pictured here, getting stuck in with mulching and spring gardening work, is Amelia Fonua,
Nimoe Lam Sam, Timothy Ta’ei, Devan Skerten, Tiana Kingi, Destiny Whiteman and Baylee Rollo with Cathy (coordinator) and other volunteers.
Year 13 Leavers' Dinner
Our leavers' dinner was the day it really hit me that we were finishing high school. It was some of our first dinners with our fellow peers as well as our last. I’m so grateful that I was able to meet all these amazing people. The dinner was very special as we had to say good bye to people who have become like family to us. We always say how excited we are to leave high school but when that day comes you realise that it was the best years of your life. My last advice as I finish would be, remember to enjoy high school and cherish every moment, take the advice your teachers give you because you’ll thank them one day!
Jessica Venter

Switch to Water Challenge
Over 100 Linwood College students signed up to Switch to Water for 20 days. Instead of sugary drinks like coke, sports drinks and fruit juice, students are choosing water!
The power of water:
naturally the best way to hydrate
zero calories
non-acidic - best for your teeth
100% natural
free and readily available on tap
Switching your sugary drinks to water is a great first step towards a healthier you!
Thanks to Christchurch City Mission who have donated bottled water: refill and reuse!

Guidance Department Support
Welcome to the Guidance Department 😊
Our role is to support students, remove barriers to learning and encourage wellbeing across the school. We also support staff and whanau/families when students present with concerning/difficult behaviours. Therefore we warmly welcome any contact from parents/carers if there are any concerns about a young person.
To get in touch please ring 982 0100 ext 822, email or call in at the front office and ask for
Sue Ingle.
The Guidance Department is made up of a team of qualified counsellors, a registered nurse, Partnership Community Worker (PCW), 24/7 Youth workers and a full time qualified social worker.
One counselling position is still shared between Esther Dunstall (9820100 ext 820) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Tina Hartwell (9820100 ext 820) Thursday and Friday. Vicki Tanner (9820100 ext 821), a fully registered teacher and counsellor with full NZAC membership is with us full time. This gives students a wide opportunity to find a counsellor that is the ‘best fit’ for the young person.
Emma Peek is the PCW who supports students and their whanau/families to access primary health care. Emma’s contact is
021 906 919. Our Nurse Maude Registered nurses Donna Southorne and Kate Tapley are available on 982 0100 ext 805. The Nurses work closely alongside the students and their whanau/families and offers medical and emotional support. They also carry out HEADSS assessments for all year 9 students.
We also have in our team 5 enthusiastic 24/7 Youth Workers from Strengthening Linwood Youth Trust lead by their manager Alexis Stocks who can be contacted on 03 379 8463 .We have a strong working relationship with the School Based Mental Health supports through CDHB and the Phillipstown Community Police.
Members of the Guidance Department work along side the students in Kimihia Teen Parent's Unit and Alternative Education, both of which are off site. There have been many great opportunities for students to experience success and learning outside of the class room with some of the local agency run programmes.
Mana Ake is an initiative which Linwood College, along with the Tamai Kāhui Ako, had significant input into at the fledgling start. The role is to support Year 7 and 8 students to help them engage in their learning and strengthen their wellbeing holistically.
Nga Maata Waka Whanau Ora worker Megan White walks along side some families to offer extra support when needed.
Waipuna run Adventure Therapy programmes on a termly basis. The students who attend these programmes experience our great outdoors, cold rivers, bush walks, rock climbing etc. They learn to understand themselves, to organise themselves, to communicate effectively, navigation skills, maths and journal every day.
Coast to Coast Rangers are a group of sporty students who are training regularly with Jess De Bont with the view of the 16 years olds competing in the February Coast to Coast. This activity is heavily subsidised by a variety of generous sponsors and both Reon and Jess give of their time for Linwood College.
He Waka Tapu run a weekly hour long programme on a Monday, based around Kī-o-rahi and other sport for some boys in a programme called Tu Kaha. They not only participate in sport, but gain an understanding of their own identity, set goals, discuss life issues, grow in their understanding of interaction, participation, support, self-management and other invaluable skills.
We are very fortunate to have such a strong connection within the wider Linwood Community to these various supports for the students. We all count it a privilege to work in the lives of young people and their whanau/families and help them navigate through the teenage years.
Dedicated Senior Bus Monitors

Senior ākonga show outstanding leadership with our tamariki to awhi them on the school buses each day.
We would like to publicly acknowledge and thank the following students for their hard work and dedication in supporting our ākonga to travel to and from school safely.
Mark Aballa Year 13, Jessica Canton-Schimanshi Year 12, Paigen-Lilly Hall Year 12, Seth Owen Year 13, Devan Skerton Year 12 and Orion Tipuna Year 13 were committed in this role and set a fabulous example to both our junior and senior ākonga.
We wish Mark, Seth and Orion all the best as they leave LCŌ and begin the next stage of their journey and we look forward to watching Paigen-Lilly, Devan and Jessica continue to develop their leadership skills in different roles at LCŌ in 2020.
Stars Community Project

It was a warm, brilliant day out, where the Stars Community Project, with our students, gave back to the community completing a citizenship activity - painting over graffiti.
There was 38 'Huckleberry Finns' applying paint to approximately 400 metres of fence line along a cycle way. Having the children from Waimairi Primary School come out to support was great and it was just magic to have two community spirits giving and gratifying.
This concluded the year spent with the Year 9s, a fantastic way to end the year on.

Graeme Dingle Foundation
The Graeme Dingle Foundation partnered with Linwood College at Ōtākoro for a second year, delivering the Stars Peer Mentor Programme.
It involved coordinating a group of Year 12/13 students who Peer Mentored Year 9 students, to help them transition into their senior years.
The high ropes and raft building activity days allowed for students to build both relationships and confidence at altitude and floating, setting a foundation for the year ahead.
There were 15 life skill sessions imparted to five Year 9 classes during terms 1 to 3. Some themes included values, goal setting, time management, stress management, cyber bullying, social skills, mental toughness, citizenship and sustainability as examples. The lessons were Peer Mentors led to develop leadership skills as younger students some times listen better to those just out in front versus and older person decades ahead!
The year was rounded out by completing a community project that had 38 students go off site and conduct a citizenship activity - painting over graffiti along a cycle path way. The distance covered, was approximately 400 metres. The positive compliments from pedestrians, cyclists and residences neighbouring the fence line were encouraging and supportive. Waimairi Primary school students who visited the LCŌ students during the activity gave supportive gratitude. An enrichment that can be reflected upon long after the activity concluded.
The Stars programme is about equipping youth for the future and that what they have inside is greater than any obstacle.
A fantastic year to see our rangitahi grow and develop as Year 9's; and the older rangitahi build and strengthen leadership techniques as Year 12/13's.

