Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
In Fair Verona...
In early February our senior Drama class was asked by Top Dog Theatre to attend a dress rehearsal for their production of “Romeo and Juliet”.

We had an awesome time enjoying the late afternoon sun with snacks and Shakespeare. A huge thanks to Derek Doddington and the cast for this opportunity.

Junior Drama

This year the junior Drama courses worked on characterisation, theatre form (such as Musicals, Commedia Dell'Arte and Melodrama), backstage pathways (such as lighting, prop and mask making, make-up design, stage design), performance history and devising (creating Drama). This has shown them all the vast pathways Drama creates with the core being working together as a group. Drama encompasses technologies such as special effects make-up, costuming, lighting design and set up, sound, stage fighting, prop/set building and filming. As well as developing their sense of self, management, performance skills, participating and contributing and improving their ability to relate to others.

Years 11 and 12
Year 11 and 12 had a combined class this year. This group worked well together and had excellent moments of success. Their Shakespeare pieces were dynamic and exciting but we were unable to do Shakespeare festival this year because of the global pandemic. Their end of year performances showed the wide acting ranges these students have individually and as a whole. These plays were called “Lovin’ It” by Jo Randerson, which the Year 11 group performed and “Gameplan” by Dan Bain, which the Year 12 group performed.

Year 13
This year I had a small intimate class of Year 13’s. There was a great deal of discovery involved in this class, and they spent the year discovering the background of Drama and in particular Shakespeare. They really went into depth with the history of this theatre form and the conventions needed to perform, in particular Macbeth. This class was lovely to teach, and I learnt a great deal from my usuals Conrad, Nabiha and Gabby. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

Senior Visual Art Folio Successes
Senior Visual Arts and Photography learners have recently finished their external folios.
The art folio is the final cumulation of the years work, where learners generate and develop their own art exploration based on their own themes over the year. Their work is based on both contemporary and traditional art making practice, using artist models to inform and develop their own work.
The folio is counted as an external NCEA examination and is worth 12 credits for Level 1 and 2, and 14 credits for Level 3.
Visual Arts is a University Entrance subject, and there are a range of career pathways within the creative industries.

Practising Artist Workshop for Level 2 Art
During this term, the Level 2 Visual Arts learners had local Christchurch artist Lisa Wallace to complete a two-day workshop. This included a portrait painting workshop and talks about being a practising artist alongside another career (Lisa is a pediatric nurse). Lisa also spoke to the learners about running a small business, and how to do this alongside a regular job.
Emily Whiteman, HOLA of Art, is wanting to expose learners to practising artists, not only to learn and experience different skills and techniques but also to show learners that they can pursue Art as a viable business, either alone or alongside another career or job.
"Learners don't have to choose between jobs or their love of creativity," Miss Whiteman says. There is space to do both.
Learners completed an A3 portrait of anyone they chose. Some have been part of their final folio work. With others being gifted to family and whānau.

Fat Eddies Performance
Some of our music students performed at Fat Eddie's at the beginning of term 4. Click on the button to hear the amazing talent.
Year 10 Music
Here is a clip of Year 10 Music's video project.
Year 13 Music
Click on the link to hear a very talented guitarist, Walter Lafleur, playing 'Seek and Destroy'.
Our Talented Staff
Here is a clip of two of our talented staff. They often perform in public and are great entertainers. Introducing Mr Ben Russell and Mr Dan Russell...