Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Year 12 Physics Trip

On Monday 10 February the Year 12 Physics class visited the University of Canterbury. Our students spent the day learning about Rutherford’s experiments and radiation for their Physics topic, “Atomic and Nuclear Physics”.
At the University of Canterbury Rutherford’s Nobel prize medal is displayed and we learned all about Rutherford’s famous gold foil experiment that split the atom. In the photos you can see students performing a dramatization of the experiment and the students acting as the scientist who discovered the atom.
In the afternoon we went to the radioactive labs where we held rods of uranium and used geiger counters to discover that carrots could stop some types of radiation. One of the most popular activities was playing with liquid nitrogen. It was a great day of learning and experiencing the University of Canterbury.
Is E.coli in Bells Creek?
In mid-June Year 9 students put on their gumboots and old clothes and headed off to Mary Dixon Park to test the water in Bells Creek.
Working alongside scientists from EOS Ecology and the University of Canterbury, our students began a programme to learn about E. coli and to undertake sampling of the waterway. Eleven other schools in Canterbury participated in this programme, Linwood being the only high school. Environmental factors were measured, water samples were collected and then taken to the University where the bacteria E. coli were grown.

Puhoro STEM

Students participated in a variety of challenges connected to their cultural heritage while using a variety of scientific and engineering techniques.
The one day course was held at Ara, where Linwood College was defending their title from last year. The organisers were really impressed with our teams.
carbon snakes

Year 9 Trip to Bells Creek
Students became scientific investigators of their local stream, gaining a better understanding of their local fresh-water environment and becoming empowered to undertake effective action for conservation. They conducted an audit of the ‘health’ at Bells Creek site so it can be repeated on future occasions, using standardised methodology. The data collected was entered in the ArcGIS database and will add to previous data to build a picture of Bells Creek over time .