Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners
Health and Physical Education
Level 1 Physical Education

Over the course of this year, Level 1 PE students have engaged in a variety of activities. Students have learnt about interpersonal skills, self management strategies, human anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, factors that influence participation and demonstrated practical movement through a variety of different contexts. A highlight for the classes this year was finishing the year with a trip to Clip ‘n’ Climb.

Level 2 Outdoor Education
Level 2 Outdoor Education made a come back here at Linwood College for the first time in a few years. Despite Covid halting many of our plans for the year, we still managed to make the most of it. This year we learnt about waka ama and paddled our local awa, Ōtākaro. We learnt about sustainability and started a tree nursery at our school where we are growing native seedlings that will be planted back into the red zone. We went to Willowbank where we learnt about the local habitats of our native species. We tramped up to Packhorse Hut where we camped overnight. We tramped to the top of a mountain, Mt Thomas and set up camp at the bottom of the mountain for the evening. We learnt about the cultural narrative of the city by doing parts of the Matapapore walk around the city centre. We did various walks around our local area and learnt the significance of these local areas.

Level 3
Outdoor Education

Level 3 Outdoor Education had a great first year. Even though Covid negatively impacted some of our plans, we didn’t let that stop us from having a great time. We started the year off with some mountain biking sessions up at the Adventure Park, we learnt how to fish and explored many of the local fishing spots. We stayed in the school hut in Arthur’s Pass and tramped one of the nearby trails. We stayed at Living Springs for a leadership camp where we learnt about different leadership styles and how to facilitate adventure based learning sessions for others. When we returned to school, we planned and facilitated adventure based learning sessions for a junior class.

Level 2 Health Education
This year in Level 2 Health Education, the class looked at topics such as managing change, sexuality and gender and promoting positive well being. Each Friday, the class participated in a variety of activities that looked at improving well being. This learning experience then helped the students to create a 4 week action plan to promote well being for
staff at Linwood College. Strategies ranged from coffee and kōrero starters to wellbeing posters put up around the school and places in Ōtautahi to explore. The students this year have learnt that looking after your wellbeing is important and something we all need to always actively do.

Level 2 Physical Education

Our year started with getting to know each other through a learning theme of Survivor. Students were cast into tribes to compete in weekly challenges to try and gain points so they could be crowned the Linwood College champions for 2020. Each challenge varied from eating, mental or physical components which saw the tribes working together to try and win. From these learning experiences the class was then able to use their leadership skills to coach a junior class through a variety of physical activities and teach them how to work effectively together as a team. Our year finished with a hikoi up the Bridal Path and down into Lyttelton with some students opting to run to Corsair Bay for a refreshing dip in the sea!