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Mathematics and Statistics

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.

It has been a dynamic year for our Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area. Mr Garth Lewis (Assistant HoLA), Miss Olivia Silvester, and

Mr Saieeswaran Vijayakumar joined our school at the start of this year, with the rest of our team consisting of Ms Francine Nijdam (HoLA),

Mr Paul Hoffman, Mr Paul Osborne, Mrs Jinky Knowler, and Miss Jasmine Peate-Garratt.

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Inspite of the Covid-19 related challenges of 2020, our Learning Area has successfully provided a stable learning environment for our young people to enhance their mathematical and statistical problem-solving skills. One of the many highlights of the year was the L3STAT and L3CALC trip to the University of Canterbury’s School of Mathematics and Statistics. Lecturers and tutors helped our learners prepare for their external examinations, which included lunch and a brief tour of the campus.

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“This year, I have had the pleasure of teaching L2MATA and L3CALC. I have really enjoyed starting each lesson with whakawhanaungatanga, where we have shared what’s on top for us. A highlight with L2MATA was the awesome digital posters they created about Calculus. Congratulations to those learners who have made through these highly academic courses. Wishing you all the best for 2021 and beyond!” Ms Nijdam

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"Learning with my L1ALN, L2STAT, and 9C classes has been such a fulfilling journey. From jelly bean experiments to outdoor mathematical exploration, teaching my ākonga has been nothing short of excellent. Looking forward to a great 2021, and to our ākonga - keep it up." Mr Lewis

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An interactive relevant real-life mathematical experience with L1ALN learners practising measurement.

“It has been my pleasure to teach 9S maths this semester. The whanaungatanga in the class is evident, with learners supporting and teaching each other. We have explored lots of different ways of learning and every student has made notable progress this semester." Miss Peate-Garratt


“L3 STAT contained some very switched on students (34 of you) who can see the long term possibilities of statistics. They really enjoyed the probability game called "Kings" and were a pleasure to teach. I look forward to seeing many of you being successful in tertiary education and whatever other futures you pursue.

9A, 9H, 10H - It has been a pleasure to teach the students of these classes.  You have all improved your mathematics skills and I have enjoyed teaching you.

L1MAT - A large class with many boys who deep down, absolutely love Mathematics and Statistics. It was a pleasure to see so many students being successful in gaining the full array of credits that were on offer.” Mr Hoffman

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L1MAT students learning Bivariate standard through rubbish throwing.

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“Well done to the students in 9E, 10S, 10E and L1MATA, you have made my first year of teaching exciting to say the least. Through your persistence and diligence, you have all developed as mathematicians throughout this incredibly challenging year. I have especially enjoyed the banter and look forward to teaching some of you next year.” Mr Vijayakumar

“A huge shout-out to all of my classes this year - 9R, 9E, 10C, 10INT, L1MAT1 and L1MAT5. It has been a very challenging year with the usual battle of NOT using cell phones in class to the constant anxiety of having another lockdown due to coronavirus. I am pleased that even with the disruptions in learning this year, I have seen that each and every one of you has been more compassionate and considerate of the learning of others. Maths may not be easy but keep on trying and as I always say, teachers are here to help and support you. May the force be with you!” Mrs Knowler

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Tukutuku patterns investigation completed by students in 10C

“It has been an absolute pleasure teaching L1MATA this year. Right from the outset there were clearly many capable mathematicians in this group and it was fantastic to see those that lacked confidence at the beginning of the year develop and flourish as the year progressed. Quote of the year goes to Sophie Watson, overheard saying whilst working on algebra; "I love this stuff, it makes me feel alive!"” Mr Osborne


“L3STAT coped well with being introduced to a new teacher halfway through the year. They worked hard on the external topics of probability concepts and distributions. We had a great time going to the University of Canterbury for a study session with some of the UC tutors. L2STAT had a very busy year. One of the highlights was the topic of conducting an experiment. The students ate as many jelly beans as they could with either fingers or chopsticks. 10R enjoyed getting stuck into worksheets. They helped each other with their learning and many students aimed for Excellence on each of the end of topic tests. Keep aiming for success!” Miss Silvester

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Left: Geometry - making shapes in Year 10 

Below: Students in Level 2 Statistics compare eating jelly beans with fingers or with chopsticks. The results were mixed. The link graph shows a student doing a lot better with fingers (3 with fingers and 10 with chopsticks) but another student did better with chopsticks (14 with fingers and 18 with chopsticks).

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A final address to our learners:

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein

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