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House Events

We started 2020 with 4 new house coordinators joining the existing staff to create a great staff house team. Next we gained 32 super talented house leaders.

What an exciting year this has been with our house activities.

We started early in term 1 with house tabloids, but unfortunately this was our only term 1 event due to the nature of 2020.

We came back better though in term 2 with a netball competition, where once again the staff team beat the winning student team. 

Term 3 we held a spelling bee. Wow some of our students can really spell! Examples of some of their words were 'conscientious' and 'subterranean'.

To finish our year off, we had a talent quest and we were blown away with the skill and talent that was demonstrated in the finals.

With all scores added up from the year’s winnings we have our overall winner. For their second year in a row Kōwhai were the 2020 winner of Linwood College’s house competition. Ka pai Kōwhai, well deserved.

Tabloid Sports

What a fantastic day we had on tabloids day. Teachers and students participated in many exciting events, some even dressing up to compete.

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A lot of fun was had and we enjoyed a variety of activities. These ranged from egg and spoon race, a sack race, and even a Valentine's relay. The four houses all won at different events and the overall winner for our first house competition of 2020 was...KARAKA!!!

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Netball Competition


Another great year of house netball.

The weather was cold and grey but the rain held off for us to get all 3 games played. All houses participated, with Kōwhai being the winners from 2019 so were the favourite house to beat. 

A variety of year levels joined in with some very tall Year 12’s defending some small Year 7’s, and all having fun.

Once again Kōwhai took the victory, winning all 3 games and taking the points for the netball competition in our overall house cup. This led to the Kōwhai team playing in the final against the staff.


The sun broke through the clouds as the 1.20 pm lunch bell rang, and players came to the courts ready for victory.

The game was hard fought with all players, old and young, playing for the win. The score was much closer this year. The score was 9-5, with the victors being the LCŌ staff!

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Spelling Bee

This year we had many students enter our house spelling bee. In term 3 we had several ‘spell offs’ to determine our four finalists for our juniors and seniors.

This year in our final junior house spelling bee were:

Abigail Soliman - Kākāriki

Recca Brimon - Karaka

Ordane Hunt - Kōwhai

George Ashton - Waiporoporo.

Senior house spelling bee finalists were:

Caitlin Templeton - Kākāriki

Elise Lester - Karaka

Gabby Clarke - Kōwhai

Boadicea Lynch - Waiporoporo.

All students represented their house well and spelt some pretty amazing words such as anachronistic, extenuating, reconciliation and many more tough words.

When the junior and senior scores were finally added we had our winners. A tie-breaker - 1st equal - Waiporoporo and Kākāriki,

3rd equal - Kōwhai and Karaka.

Well done to everyone who competed, supported and helped this amazing event.


Talent Quest

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Linwood College House Winners for 2020


What an exciting year this has been with our house activities.

With all scores added up from the year’s winnings, we have our overall winner. For their second year in a row, Kōwhai was the 2020 winner of Linwood College’s house competition. Ka pai Kōwhai, well deserved.


Junior Activities Day

In the last week of the year, our Year 7-10 students had a great morning participating in house events organised by our House Co-ordinators. The afternoon was spent at the pools, ice skating, watching movies or playing board games. It was a fun way to finish off the year - sun, laughter and friends.

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