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Back row

Wladek Czerepowicz, Kerry Brunton, Paul O'Connor, James Lowe, David Draper, Andy Parr, Lukas Davidson, Chris Binnema, Tina Hartwell, Sue Wikatene, Jesse Harding, Dave Lene

Fourth row

Paul Hoffman, Daryl Crocker, Leuma Gali, Serge Ruiz, Siegrun Koop, Saieeswaran Vijayakumar, Olivia Silvester, Pania Watson, Briar Dumelow, Robbie Timo, Susie Cottrell, Scott Kyle, Larisha Toomey

Third row

Melanie Blomfield, Miriam Bugler, Charlotte Cottrell, Caitlin Campbell, Genevieve Williamson, Erin Chamberlain,

Tessa Cullen-Holder, Nicole Eastwick, Danielle Boxall, Garth Lewis, Deborah Young, Sam Boyce-Da Cruz, Archana Martins

Second row

Jane Schroeder, Vicki Tanner, Jasmine Peate-Garratt, Courtney Flay, Andrea Johnson, Michelle Ryder, Brent Patterson,

Amelia Painter, Ethan Smith, Marco Guglietta, Ben Russell, Dan Russel, Sue Ingle

Front row

Manu Paringatai, Carla Taiaroa, Richard Jolly, Emily Whiteman, Francine Nijdam, Amy Martin-Bowen, Richard Edmundson,

Paul Osborne, Katie Stanton, Natasha Powell, Jodine Hardwicke, Rosanna Katene, Andrew Nugent

Staff Positions and Qualifications

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Richard Edmundson

MA (Hons), PGDipEd, DipEdMan, DipTchg



Mrs Amy Martin-Bowen

BA, PostGradDipTchg (Sec)

Deputy Principal


Mr Paul Osborne

BSc (Hons), PGCE

Deputy Principal

Mrs Natasha Powell

BEd, GradDipTchg

Deputy Principal


Miss Katie Stanton

BA (Hons), Grad DipTchg

Assistant Principal

Learning Heads and Department Heads

Mrs Diane Atkins

NDBE, DipTchg

HOLA Kimihia Teen Parent’s College


Ms Samantha Boyce-Da Cruz

BA (Theatre and Film), BTchLn

HOD Drama


Ms Taryn Caley

BA (Biology), GradDipTchgLn (Secondary)

HOLA Science


Ms Elaine Costeira

BA, BEd, MA 

HOD English Language Learning and International Students


Mr Daryl Crocker

BA, GradDipTchg

HOD Hospitality, Food and Fabric Technology


Mrs Christine Donaldson

PGCert Applied Practice, BEd (Visual Arts)

HOLA Joint Centre Manager, Technology Centre


Ms Jodine Hardwicke

BA (Eng and American Studies), GradDipTchgLn (Sec), PGradCertEd (Teaching and Learning)

HOLA English


Mrs Sue Ingle

BSW (Social Work)

HOD Guidance


Mr Richard Jolly

MA, MBA, GradDipTchg

HOLA Social Science


Mrs Tracey Jongens

Bed, PGDipSpecTchg, TTC

SENCO HOD Learning Acceleration

Miss Rosanna Katene

BEd, GradDipTchgLn

HOLA Physical Education and Health

Ms Helen Mora (left)

BAgComm, DipTchg

HOLA Science

Ms Francine Nijdam

MEd(Leadership), BEng(Hons), GradDipTchLn(Secondary)

HOLA Mathematics and Statistics


Mr Andrew Nugent

MScEcon, BA (Hons), PGCE Design and Technology, PGCertTESOL 

HOLA Technology


Mrs Amelia Painter

NDBE, DipTchg, NZ Dip Specialist Subjects (Sec)

HOD Digital Technologies


Ms Manu Paringatai

BEd (Teach), GradDip Imm and BiL Tchg, BMPA

HOD Māori


Mr Benjamin Russell

BA, GradDipTchgLn (Sec)

HOD Music


Mr Dan Russell

BPE, MProfStud, DipCG

HOD Careers


Mrs Carla Taiaroa

BTchLn (Primary)

HOLA Tāhuhu (Year 7 and 8)


Mr Lee Walker

BSc (Hons), DipTchg

HOLA Joint Centre Manager, Technology Centre


Miss Emily Whiteman

BFA, PG DipTchg (sec) PGdipED (leadership endorsement)



Mr Nicholas Colville

MFA, BA (Hons), GradDipTchg 

Kākāriki House Senior Dean 


Mr Lukas Davidson

BA, PostGradDipTchg (Sec)

Waiporoporo House Senior Dean 


Ms Sig Koop

​MA, CELTA, PGrad CELTA, GradDipTchg

Waiporoporo House Junior Dean


Miss Kate Munro

BSc (Ecology, Biodiversity, Geography), PGDipWaterRM, MTchgLn (Sec)

Kākāriki House Assistant Dean


Mrs Amelia Painter

NDBE, DipTchg, NZ Dip Specialist Subjects (Sec)

Karaka House Senior Dean

Ms Jane Schroeder

BA, PostGradDipTchg (Sec)

Kōwhai House Senior Dean

Mr Robbie Timo

BSpC, GradDipTchgLn

Karaka House Junior Dean


Ms Larisha Toomey

BEd, DipTchg

Tāhuhu (Year 7 and 8) Dean


Ms Pania Watson

Bed Hons (PE)

Kōwhai House Junior Dean

Teaching Staff

Mr James Abbott

BSc, DipTchg


Ms Melanie Blomfield

MSc (Tech), DipEd


Mrs Danielle Boxall (left)

BtchLn Primary, GradDipAat


Mr Kerry Brunton (left)

BSc, GradDipTchgLn


Ms Miriam Bugler

BSc, GradDipTchgLn


Ms Caitlin Campbell

BA (Eng and Classical Studies), GradDipTchgLn (Sec)

Ms Meredith Cassidy

BA, PostGradDipTchgLn

Miss Erin Chamberlain

BSc, GradDipTchg


Ms Isis Cheverton-Lissette

Bcom, GradDipTchg


Whaea Charlotte Cottrell

BSc, BA(Hons), GradDipTchg 


Ms Susie Cottrell (maternity leave)

BEd, GradDipTchgLn


Mr Wladek Czerepowicz

BIT, GradDipTchg


Mr Ross Davidson

BBS, Cert Computer Graphics, GradDipSecEd


Mrs Christine Donaldson

PGCert Applied Practice, BEd (Visual Arts)


Mr David Draper

MFA, GradDipTchgLn

Ms Briar Dumelow

BEd, DipPsych


Miss Nicole Eastwick

BA, GradDipTchgLn


Miss Courtney Flay

BEd, GradDipTchgLn


Mr Leuma Gali


Mrs Mary Gorman



Mr Randall Grenfell (left)


Mr Marco Guglietta

BAppSc, GradDipTchgLn


Mr Jesse Harding

BEd Hon (PE)


Mr Paul Hoffman

DipPE, DipTchg, GradCert Primary Mathematics


Ms Angela Johnson

MSc, DipTchg

Mr Scott Kyle

BPhEd, GradDipTchg, Dip Sporting Performance, GradCert Primary Maths/Sci

Mrs Priscilla Lee

DipTchg, Dip Home Sci

Mr Garth Lewis

BEd FET (Mathematics and English)


Mr James Lowe



Mr Chris Manuel

BSc(Hons), PhD, PGCE


Miss Bianca Nielsen

BA (Hons), PhD, GradDipTchg

Ms Sophie Noreen

BA Hons Drama and English, PGCE


Mr Paul O’Connor

BA, GradDipTchgLn


Mr Connor O’Rourke

Msc Biological Chemistry, GradDipTchg


Mr Brent Patterson

Adv T Cert, Dip Tchg, NZ Dip Specialist Subjects (Sec)


Miss Jasmine Peate-Garratt

BDes (Vis Com), GradDipTchg 


Mr Lawry Pledge

BEngineering Hons (MechEng), PGCE (Design and Tech), PG Cert in CAD


Mr Michael Power

BSc, GradDipTchgLn


Ms Brooke Rowland

BSc, GradDipTchg


Mr Serge Ruiz

BSCommerce, GradDipTchgLn Primary, Grad Cert


Miss Michelle Ryder

BSc, GradDipTchgLn, GradDipAppldEnTech


Miss Olivia Silvester

MSc Biology, GradDipSc, GradDipTchg, BSc 


Mr Ethan Smith

BA (Hons), MTchgLn (Sec)


Ms Trina Smith

DipHomeEcTchg, SpecTchgDip


Ms Tania Tait

​BA, DipTchg, DipBusSec, DipInt Dec


Mr Saieeswaran Vijayakumar

BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science, MSc Applied Actuarial Science, 


Ms Freya Vokes

BA(Hons), PGCE, MA 


Ms Genevieve Willaimson

BSc, MTchgLn


Miss Deborah Young



Ms Marianne Budd

DipSpSt, BEd, MEd

Support Staff

Ms Jessica Adams


Careers Administration/Gateway Coordinator


Mr Fraser Allen

Fusion IT


Ms Tania Al Sayyad



Mrs Trish Bennett



Ms Carolyn Bickerton

BSW (Hons)

Social Worker 


Ms Chris Binnema

Canteen Manager


Mr Craig Brosnan

Project Management L4 



Ms Julie Brosnan

Learning Solutions Officer


Mr Tom Burke



Ms Karen Chadderton

NZ General/Obstetric Registered Nurse

Learning Assistant


Ms Tracy Chollet

Technician Technology Centre


Mr Chris Conwest

Fusion IT

Ms Cindy Craigie

Learning Assistant


Mrs Jade Cull

Sports Coordinator 


Ms Tessa Cullen-Holder

Learning Hub Facilitator, Librarian


Ms Esther Dunstall

MEd (Counselling), GradDipTchg



Mrs Debbie Eddington

PA to Principal/HR


Mr Piripi Edwards

Kaiārahi Māori


Manuela Ellis-Fontana

Food Technology Technician


Miss Victoria Francis

Learning Assistant


Mrs Kerry Fraser



Mrs Bronwyn Hancock

Pastoral Support Officer/Uniforms

Mrs Tina Hartwell

BEd (PE), BA (Psyc), DipTchg, Master Counselling 


Ms Rose Hawley

Support, Kimihia Teen Parent’s College


Ms Carlene Kiesanowski

Learning Assistant


Mr Dave Lene

Learning Assistant


Ms Alison MacDonald



Mrs Archana Martins

MA Bed, Celta

Learning Assistant


Mr Sea Muaimalae

Social Worker in Schools (SWiS)


Ms Yvonne Osborne

NZCS (Chem)

Science Technician


Mr Andy Parr

HNE Transition Coordinator, Attendance


Yvonne Ponting

BTchLn (ECE)

Administration Manager, Kimihia Teen Parent’s College


Mr Will Powell

Learning Assistant


Mrs Vicki Tanner

B Sc (Psyc), DipTchg, Masters Counselling



Mrs Loren Treacy



Mr Dave Triggs



Ms Natalie Triggs

Learning Assistant


Mr Waitangi Tuisuga

Learning Assistant


Mrs Raewyn Wahnig

Learning Assistant


Mrs Sue Wikatene

Student Management Centre


Mrs Naomi Faga

Pasifika Liaison


Mrs Debra Harding

Learning Assistant


Ms Valentina Morante-Morley (maternity leave)

Careers and Community Engagement

Staff Farewells

Amy Martin-Bowen

Haere rā from Mrs Martin-Bowen

Next year I am off on a new adventure at another school!  Thank you so much for having me as a Deputy Principal in your kura. Thank you for sharing your learning with me, for challenging me and, most of all, for teaching me. 

To the ākonga in Kōwhai, Tāhuhu and in my classes, it has been a privilege to work

alongside you. I will miss you! Keep reaching for the stars and striving to be the person you want to be.

“Tama tū, tama ora; tama noho, tama mate.” He who stands, lives; he who does nothing perishes. (Just do it! Be resilient, believe in yourself, opt in; you’ve got this!)

(Written by Amy)

From Pania Watson and Jane Schroeder, Kōwhai Deans

As the Kōwhai pastoral team who have worked closely with Mrs Martin-Bowen over her time with us here at Linwood College at Ōtakaro, we are going to miss her in-depth knowledge and expertise in working with our ākonga and whanau, as well as her expert guidance for us as deans. 


Her no-nonsense approach to uniform, attendance and pursuing personal best has supported us to keep our expectations for our learners high, and created strong systems and processes to enable us to carry on the good work. She is proactive in ensuring our students are in the right place for them, on a pathway that will see them succeed and does this through building strong relationships with whānau and outside agencies. This consistency and transparency helps our learners to feel confident and supported in their learning journeys. 


Although they might not show it immediately, we know that many of our learners have benefited greatly from this unrelenting support and will one day reflect on the significant impact Amy has had on them. 


We wish her all the best in her new role.

Andrew Nugent

I am heading to Papanui High School in 2022. I have been at Linwood for 7 years and enjoyed most of it. I will really miss the Technology team who always laugh at my jokes, whether I meant to tell one or not.

(Written by Andrew)

From the LCŌ Tech Team

Andrew has been an amazing Head of Technology for the past 7 years. This is no mean feat when you consider he has had to build a sound knowledge of all technology fields (DVC, Hard Materials, Fabrics, Food, Digital Technologies, and Automotive). 

He has always treated his staff as professionals and allows them to work in the direction they feel best suits their subject area. Equally he has always been there to give advice and guidance when needed, plus many laughs in the technology office! 

In the classroom his students love his relaxed style while pushing them to achieve all they are capable of, while making DVC exciting and relevant.

We will miss his sense of humour, plus his stories from his time in Wales!

Trina Smith

Trina was Team Leader Food and Fabrics at the Technology Centre for all of 2021. She will be remembered as a very caring person to all students and the staff in her team. She was always willing to go the extra mile for her team. She was very effective in the classroom and was always encouraging students to try new foods and tastes. We wish her well on her moving to Breens Intermediate.

Helen Mora

We farewell Ms Helen Mora who has been our Head of Science since 2013. Helen is medically retiring.

Helen came to us from the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland. Her energy and passion for teaching and learning in Science was evident from the beginning. She worked tirelessly to implement the realignment of NCEA and ensure both her staff and students were meeting her high standards.

Helen has a passion for gardening and re-introduced Horticulture to Linwood College by installing gardens both at the Aldwins Road and Avonside Drive sites. This led to the introduction of Industry Standards at Year 11 which gave practical pathways to students who may have otherwise left the Science field.


Helen has been a strong supporter of Kaupapa Māori for many years.  This was evident when she was stayed awake for 48 hours sewing and embroidering uniforms for the Kapa Haka group and even completing a panel this year while undergoing chemotherapy. She has introduced He Puna Pūtaiao and Pūhoro/STEM programmes into the Science Department and has been working closely with the University of Canterbury to facilitate involvement with the Tūhaitara Coastal Park in order to provide placed-based learning opportunities for students. Helen is still involved with producing units of work for the department focusing on Matauranga Māori.

In sport, Helen has been involved in both netball and rugby as coach and manager. She was closely involved with forging relationships between school and the Linwood Rugby Club. She was always willing to help out and spent many hours after school and at weekends supporting students with both transport and encouragement from the sidelines.


Over the last couple of years, Helen has been working with the Ministry of Education and was the only current teacher on the national committee involved with implementing the NCEA changes. This is a direct result of the high esteem that Helen has within the teaching profession.


It was with great sadness that Helen medically retired at the end of Term 1 and we were very pleased that she could take a leading role in this year’s senior prizegiving. Helen has huge affection from both staff and students. Her strong teaching skills and wide involvement outside the classroom have earned her enormous respect from the whole school community. She can certainly be proud of her many labours at Linwood College for nine years where she has made a real difference to the lives of many students.


E te putiputi o te taiao, kua whakapau kaha koe mō ngā ākonga, mō ngā whānau, mō ngā tāngata katoa. E kore te puna aroha e mimiti mōhou e Helen.

Randall Grenfell

Randall taught product design in R17 at the Technology Centre for 3 terms in 2021. He will be remembered for his innovative use of plastic to encourage the students to design useful products. He was always willing to get alongside all students and had a knack of being able to engage all students. We wish him well in his retirement.

Rosanna Katene

It is with both sadness and pride that Linwood College is farewelling our Head of Health, Physical and Outdoor Education, Rosanna Katene. Rosanna has accepted the Deputy Principal position for Teaching and Learning at Hillmorton High School for 2022.

Rosanna has been a part of Linwood College since 2013 where she began as a student teacher. The following year she

became a member of the Health and Physical Education department. Over the last eight years she has held the roles of Assistant HoLA, HoLA and Professional Learning team leader at Linwood College. 


Rosanna’s leadership within her department has been outstanding. She leads with integrity and a genuine care for staff and learners; Rosanna leads by example.


Her wider contributions to Linwood College include coaching and developing basketball (Rosanna was a former Canterbury Wildcat basketballer herself) and her commitment to supporting students participating in their own passions outside of the classroom include Kapa Haka, Polyfest and other award ceremonies and events. 


Rosanna will be truly missed by both staff and students. We wish her all the very best in her new leadership role. 


Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua. 

Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead.

Chris Manuel

Chris joined the Science Department at the start of this year following a long stint at Westland High School where he was both Head of Department and Deputy Principal.  His mana at this school was evident at the Mihi Whakatau when he was gifted to us by a contingent from the West Coast.  His experience and calm demeanor has been a great asset to the Science Department this year. We are sad to see him go

and wish him well with his future endeavours.

Debbie Harding

Debbie first offered to help us during 2020, as a volunteer.  She was very keen to learn about being a Learning Assistant and she offered her services to us.  We partnered her with Carlene and together they worked in Tāhuhu, supporting the ākonga and teachers. Debbie always came in with a big smile and was prepared to give anything a go.  This year Debbie was keen to carry on volunteering.  We were

thrilled when, during the year, we

were given some extra funding from the Ministry of Education for a small project, making resources for a new programme we were introducing into the TPT programme. Debbie agreed to come on board and did an amazing job making all of these stunning resources for the ākonga to use as part of their learning. A little later in the year, another small project came along, and once again Debbie was happy to step up, this time working as the Learning Assistant supporting the students in TPT.  

We are so sad that Debbie's contract is coming to an end as Debbie has become an integral member of our team in Learning Acceleration. Debbie has a quiet and cheerful manner with the ākonga and teachers alike and we are so grateful to have had Debbie's skills supporting our department this year. Thank you so much Debbie for all that you have brought to our team and all you have given to our team!  Our very best wishes go with you!

Wladek Czerepowicz

Wladek joined our Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area team at the beginning of this year. Throughout the year he has shown an unwavering commitment to improving the mathematical and statistical skills of our learners in 9A, 9E and 10R. We have enjoyed Wladek’s passion for teaching mathematical and statistical concepts. We wish him and his whānau all the best for the future.

Katie Stanton

We farewell Katie Stanton and congratulate her on her role as Director of Pastoral Care at St Thomas of Canterbury College. 

Katie came to us in 2018 as Head of English Language Learning. Previous to Linwood she had been Head of English as a Second Language at Christchurch Boys' High School and before that a Chinese and French teacher in Hong Kong. With this international outlook

and her wide and varying co-curricular experience, including rugby, Katie quickly became part of our school community. In 2019 she became part of the senior leadership team, a role in which she has continued for 2020-2021. 


Katie personifies total commitment and has worked tirelessly for our students, staff and wider community particularly in her key role leading Hauora and Success including Pastoral Care, Deaning and Guidance. In all aspects of school life Katie is grounded in the moral imperative working with schools and whānau to create social and learning environments that allow students to flourish, as themselves. She has the deepest commitment to education and assisting/leading a community to be the best it can be.


We are very grateful to Katie for her selfless dedication to our school, particularly through the recent years of disruption with our move to Ōtākaro, and we wish her well for her move to STCC, another school with a strong values-set. We will see her on the sidelines of the rugby field!


Ethan Smith arranged our school Movember squad again this year and collectively we raised $1,195. What a bunch of fine looking men!


Staff Marathon

In April a team of our staff ran in the Christchurch marathon/half-marathon/10 km event to promote staff well-being at Linwood College. Here are a couple of pre-race photos of us in our kit.

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