Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

Tāhuhu Drama
This year we looked at the theme of family, identity and destiny through the film “Moana”. The students designed their own Kakamora. They worked on a scene and developed characters as Maui and Moana. Then they explored symbols and identity through the design of props, where they created their own magical fish hooks.

Junior Drama
This year the Junior Drama courses worked on characterisation, theatre form (such as musicals, kabuki, commedia dell'arte and melodrama), backstage pathways (such as lighting, prop and mask making, make-up design, stage design), performance history and devising (creating Drama). This has shown them all the vast pathways drama creates with the core being working together as a group. Drama encompasses technologies such as: special effects make-up, costuming, lighting design and set up, sound, stage fighting, prop/set building and filming. The students also develop their sense of self, management, performance skills, participation, contribution, and improve their ability to relate to others.

Year 11 Drama

Year 11 had a massive year this year. This group worked well together and had excellent moments of success. We started off the year with melodrama and a play called “Pansy the Mill Girl”.
Their end of year performances showed the wide acting ranges these students have individually and as a whole. This play was called “Rosie” by Patrick Spillane and it was set in Dunedin during the Second World War.

Years 12 And 13 Drama

This year we had a combined class of Year 12 and 13’s. We started off the year with a bang, preparing for Shakespeare Night with pieces from “Othello” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, the latter we were also lucky enough able to go and see at the Theatre Royal at the end of the year. Next we moved on to our major production, “Heavenly Bodies”. This play is based on Greek mythology with a kiwi twist.
A big farewell to my wonderful Year 13’s Sian, Yasmin and Elise. We will miss you and we wish you all the best for future years.

Drama Students Perform At Shakespeare Festival
On the 9th of April, Milly and I had the amazing opportunity of representing Te Aratai College in the Canterbury Shakespeare Festival. We performed Othello (Act V, Scene II) in which Othello believes Desdemona (his wife) is sleeping with Cassio (one of Othello's lieutenants). In an act of rage, I (Othello) kill my wife. We were awarded “Best Death” and were extremely pleased with ourselves and our performance. We were so happy to be able to have this experience and would love to perform once again next year.
Connor Armstrong

Te Aratai Theatresports
Our senior Theatresports team had a blast competing at the annual Court Theatre Theatresports competitions. This was held at Rangi Ruru late August and the students had a blast.
Pictured here is our team:
Left to right standing: Hannah Watson, Luke Toone, Cooper Atherton, Sam McCallum
Sitting: Mikayla Hooper, Jess Mulligan

Celebrating Achievement In Senior Visual Arts
This year has been an interesting one, and especially for Visual Arts, which relies on continuity and consistency over a long period of time for assessments. This has meant that learners have had individual pathways to meet their NCEA achievement goals this year depending on their individual circumstances.
If anything, our ākonga have learnt resilience, perseverance, and determination. We were proud to have three learners complete their external folios this year in both Painting and Photography.

Hannah, Year 12

Alexsandra, Year 12

Dani, Year 12
Snippets From The Year

Junior Visual Arts Learning Mixed With A Bit Of Fun

This year the Year 9 and 10 Visual Arts classes have been working on developing their practical skills and developing ideas. These are two strands of the arts curriculum.
The learners have been introduced to a range of art-making including painting, sculpture, and print-making. This means that learners have used an artist model to reference and learn from, have created their own ideas and stories to tell in their work, and then learnt how to make their work using appropriate drawing and techniques.
The learners have built their ideas around their own identity, culture, tūrangawaewae and whakapapa as building blocks for exploring and expressing themselves through Visual Art. As part of developing ideas, it is encouraged to bring and share elements of self into one's art. Looking at one’s own identity and where they come from to create understanding and meaning.
This year the learners have curated their own exhibitions to share their work with a wider audience. This is a key part of the art making process, and a key new learning for our ākonga. It is also an opportunity for learners to celebrate and share their learning with their whānau and families.

Rockquest 2022
Three of Te Aratai College's Rock bands took part in this year's Rockquest on Saturday, June 11th, at UC Ngaio Marsh Theatre. Like most events at the moment, this was a debut outing for the new Te Aratai College. There were three bands performing; a Year 11 group called ‘Luminous’ and two Year 12 groups, ‘Trainspotting’ and ‘Weak in the Knees’.
Te Aratai College’s performances started at 1.30 pm and all the support from family and staff was appreciated. If you're a fan of a guitar riff, a slapped bass or a monumental drum solo - then this was the event to satisfy. Even more satisfying was the result of 'Trainspotting' making it through to the regional finals for Rockquest 2022!

Jazz Band

After months of rehearsal, learning and perfecting an entertaining set, it was finally time to show off all their hard work. They started off by competing at Jazz Quest on the 30th of July, achieving a bronze award.
Next, they spent an evening in the recording studio, leaving with high-quality audio recordings of two of their songs. They took some time to
have dinner, and a cake baked for the leaving Year 13's. The following morning our students were thankful to have Rodger Fox arrive, to give his expert advice on how to improve their set. Finishing the week on a high note, they performed at Ōtautahi Jazz Jam; an event where 14 jazz bands from across Christchurch came together at Christchurch Boys' High to perform a night of jazz music.

Te Aratai Music Rocks
Mt Pleasant Food Truck Alley
Students from our Jazzband, Rockquest bands, and other duo performed a four hour gig at Mount Pleasant Community Centres' Food Truck Alley in November.
