Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

Mathematics And Statistics
Maths Week
The 8th-12th of August was Maths Week across kura in Aotearoa. At Te Aratai we created numeracy awareness through interactive lessons, engaging staff activities and promoting a positive message about numeracy in our community.
The theme of our learning this week, for our kaiako and ākonga, was that “we can be better at numeracy, even if it just means changing how we see and feel about Mathematics and Statistics.” Our ākonga explored key content strands such as numbers, statistics and measurement through practical experiments, statistical enquiry and challenging problem-solving puzzles.
Our kaiako were introduced to a parallel numeracy assessment paper that our Year 10 learners will be piloting this year. A great week of interactive problem solving and thought provoking discussion. A resounding message to our kura community and to our whānau is, “We will be better by being effectively numerate.”

A Year In Review
It has been yet another dynamic year for our Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area. Ms Nicky Flewellen and Mr Duncan Gittins joined our school at the start of this year, with the rest of our team consisting of Ms Francine Nijdam (HoLA), Mr Garth Lewis (Assistant HoLA), Mr Paul Hoffman, Mr Paul Osborne, Miss Olivia Silvester, Mr Saieeswaran Vijayakumar and Ms Natasha Powell.

Linwood College at Ōtākaro site

Te Aratai College site in Tahatū in Te Whare Ako
In spite of the Covid-19 related challenges of 2022, our Learning Area has successfully provided a stable learning environment for our young people to enhance their mathematical and statistical problem-solving skills.
One of the many highlights of the year was the successful implementation of the Numeracy pilot with our Year 10 ākonga.

Numeracy Pilot

Numeracy Pilot

Ms Nijdam's Classes
“This year I have had the pleasure of teaching, 9MAS(9A), L2MATH and L3CALC. I have really enjoyed starting each lesson with whakawhanaungatanga, where we have shared what’s on top for us. A highlight with 9MAS(9A) was seeing their self-efficacy towards problem-solving increase as the year progressed. Congratulations to those learners who have made it through L2MATH and L3CALC, which are highly academic courses. Wishing you all the best for 2023 and beyond!”
Ms Nijdam
Level 3 Calculis with Ms Nijdam

Level 2 Maths heading into their end of year exam in Te Puna
Mr Lewis's Classes
“Learning with our ākonga this year could be likened to varying moments in music; from classic crescendos to a harmonious hum. We all learn to embrace the unique style our lessons bring. Learning was done by all, especially me, and next year will be even better!”
Mr Lewis

Level 3 Statistics

Level 1 Maths
Miss Powell's Class
“I have really enjoyed taking L1ALN again this year. The class has put in a lot of effort to learn and demonstrate their skills in Number, Measurement and Statistics. Well done and a big congratulations to you all for gaining Level 1 Numeracy.”
Mrs Powell
Mr Hoffman's Classes
“L3STAT contained some very switched-on students who can see the long term possibilities of statistics. They really enjoyed the probability game called "Kings" in their introduction to Probability and were a pleasure to teach. From all reports the externals went well for the students who prepared thoroughly, and I look forward to seeing many of you being successful in tertiary education and whatever other futures you pursue.
10E - It has been a pleasure to teach the students in this class. There are many characters within the class as well as many able and hard-working students. You have all improved your mathematics skills and hopefully are all getting closer to being able to be successful when you reach your senior years of Mathematics and Statistics at Te Aratai College.
10S - This class has been a pleasure to teach with virtually all students striving to do their best throughout the year. There are some very able mathematicians within the class who have the ability to excel in Mathematics and Statistics. Virtually all students are progressing to L1MASE next year and it will be interesting to see if they live up to the promise shown in 2022.
L1MAS - Two classes who deep down, absolutely love Mathematics and Statistics! As the year progressed most of the students were able to work independently and developed the confidence to seek assistance when needed. It was a pleasure to see so many students being successful in gaining the full array of credits that were on offer. “If you put in the work you get the results”.
Mr Hoffman

Miss Silvester's Classes
“Awesome efforts to the L2STAT students who were told they were changing from an internal only course to doing a Probability external at the end of the year. I am proud of the amount of work they did in preparation. A highlight of the year was conducting experiments. They tested throwing, jumping, and memory abilities on the Year 7/8s. L1MAS was a new experience for me this year. When students got their required Numeracy credits we all cheered them on. I wish you all the best for wherever your future takes you. Well done to the students in 10C, 9H, and 9E for engaging in the learning diligently throughout the year. A lot of progress was made and I hope to see most of you taking L2STAT or L2MATH in the future!”
Miss Silvester
Mr Gittin's Classes
“I have had a really good experience working with 9P this year. The class have been keen to develop their knowledge of Maths and have engaged in learning all areas of the Mathematics curriculum. This has included algebra, measurement, volume, probability and fractions. As a group they have achieved some really positive results in tests and I am sure they will continue to progress over the next few years.”
Mr Gittins
Ms Flewellen's Classes
“This year I had the pleasure of teaching (9MAS) 9L, 9S, 9R and (10MAS) 10A. All of my Year 9 classes have broadened their knowledge in all areas of the Maths curriculum this year. Some students hadn’t experienced a lot of Algebra before, but were keen to learn. Highlights for 9MAS this year were our Statistics topic at the start of the year where we were able to compare how tall everyone was, also GM1 where we measured some items around the school and converted the measurements to mm, cm, m, km. During GM2 we were talking about how we work out the volume of different objects. The students found that building the shapes with blocks helped them to experience how to manipulate shapes and work out their volume.
10MAS(10A) built on their previous knowledge from last year. All of 10A should be proud of the way they approached their Numeracy test in Term 3. They are a positive group who have made teaching them enjoyable. Some of 10A are going on to L1MASE next year to further extend themselves. The rest of the class will be working in L1MAS. I wish them all well in their L1 learning journey next year.”
Ms Flewellen

Mr Osborne's Classes
“As always for me it has been a pleasure teaching L1MASE this year. I have seen nervous, unsure mathematicians grow into confident, successful learners ready to take the next step on their journey. I see this course as a stepping stone to much greater things and I wish everyone well as they progress in the senior school.”
Mr Osborne
Mr Vijayakumar's Classes
“Well done to my L2STAT and L1MASE students for completing these highly academic senior courses and attaining the full array of credits on offer. I am especially proud of the high expectations these students set for themselves as well as the strong work ethic they displayed in preparation for their externals. I have enjoyed continuing to build relationships with my students in 10L, 10E and 10C. It has been a pleasure to see you all build confidence and develop as mathematicians and statisticians as the year progressed. I look forward to teaching some of them in 2023.”
Mr Vijayakumar
"There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres." Pythagoras