Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

House Events
Fear Factor And Dodgeball

Term 2 saw our two major house events unfold.
Fear Factor, which involved all our superb House Leaders. They had to eat dry Weetbix, find the worms in the mud, drink a delectable (not) smoothie and eat a chocolate-covered onion, even more deliciousness! Kōwhai came away with the win for this event.
We ended the term with a fun-filled dodgeball competition. The juniors went first, followed by the seniors. Kākāriki came away with the win so got to challenge the staff. Everyone wanted in on the action in this game. The ākonga won the first round which was the round that counted, therefore winning the staff challenge.
It is very cool to see our ākonga really enjoying and supporting their house.

Lunch Time Activities

Talent Quest

Kākāriki House are
our 2022
House Champions!
Our 2022 House Trophy, for the second year in a row, once again went to Kākāriki.
The final numbers for the House Trophy were close with Waiporoporo a very close second.
Well done to all who participated and supported this year. 2023 will bring some new and exciting events for us to try and win the House Trophy.