Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

Learning Acceleration
2022 marks the beginning of Aukaha at Te Aratai College. As well, this year has seen our department swell in staff numbers as we continue supporting ākonga throughout the school. The greatest celebration for our department has been the shift to Te Aratai, and for our department to be working in close proximity to each other.
Aukaha is our programme for supporting our ākonga who have the highest level of support from the Ministry of Education, called Ongoing Resource Support (ORS). “The Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) provides support for students with the highest ongoing levels of need for specialist support. The scheme enables them to attend school and participate alongside other students.” (Ministry of Education website). This year we have enjoyed working alongside our nine ākonga who are supported through Aukaha. We are delighted to have a new space in Te Whare Ako and to be in a central position, close to other learning areas. We have ākonga moving in and out from our Aukaha space throughout the day and all our ākonga with ORS are also involved in learning classes throughout the wider school, with the support of our Learning Assistants and our Subject Learning Areas. We have a dedicated Specialist ORS Teacher, James Lowe, who joined us in 2021.
9 Kimihia (9K) and 10 Kimihia (10K)
In 2021 we began our 9K class and this year we were able to extend this programme into Year 10. 9K and 10K classes provide a supported learning environment where ākonga are able to work at their own pace, meeting the requirements of the curriculum at a level where they are able to experience success. We have two skilled teaching staff, Kath Gunn and Briar Dumelow, who teach a range of subject areas meaning that these classes experience less transitions during their day. During 2022, we have seen much growth and development in our ākonga in 9K and 10K as they have experienced success with their learning and
have gained confidence in themselves as learners and as young people.
Taku Ara Pono (TAP) and Accelerated Learning Pathway (ALP)
Our Taku Ara Pono or TAP programme has continued to build this year and in 2022 we have had a Taku Ara Pono class at each level (Years 7-10) and at Year 11 and 12, where the programme is named Accelerated Learning Pathway or ALP. All our ākonga in this programme are working on one of three levels of the South Pacific Education Certificate (SPEC) programme. Through these pathway programmes we have seen ākonga learning to take ownership of their learning, making choices around the context for their learning, creating learning plans, producing evidence of their learning and reflecting on their learning journey.
Learning Acceleration Staff
As we come to the end of 2022, we have 20 staff working within our department. We are indebted to our team of 15 Learning Assistants who do an amazing job throughout our school, supporting ākonga with a wide range of support, and teachers throughout our Year 7-12 classes. During the NCEA exams we have Learning Assistants supporting ākonga with their exams through the Special Assessment Conditions.
I wish to thank all who are connected with Learning Acceleration, our committed teaching staff, our wonderfully passionate and enthusiastic Learning Assistants, our Learning Support Coordinators, our whānau and most of all our delightful ākonga who challenge us and inspire us to do our best for them each and every day. Please enjoy some glimpses below of our Learning Acceleration programmes.

9K making Christmas bags

Chicken eggs incubating

Harlem and one of the chicks

Herold and Jeremiah working in ALP

Jett’s Dad being interviewed by Connor and Seth about hunting

Robert showing her abstract art

Miah creating a sensory book

Kade presenting to class
Ākonga Reflections
Things we love about 9K
It's fun
It was exciting to watch the chickens hatch.
I like helping Suleqo and Lanz.
It is a safe place for me
I like maths because it's hard.
Friday treats!
I love our Learning Assistants!
“SPEC is fun, I get to learn new things in a fun way. My favourite piece of work this year is when I made a slideshow about Fashion and how its changed over 30-40 years” - Tiva
“SPEC is an interesting subject. I've nearly finished a whole book, I only have 3 pieces of work left to do. This year I had a goal that took forever but I got it done and I'm happy but I'll never make another board game again, it took almost a whole term. I also like that we get lollies after presenting to the class" - Jett
“I have really enjoyed being able to pick a book that I'm really interested in. It has interesting tasks for me to do. It’s been fun.”- Seth
“I like SPEC because you can choose how you make your work, the work isn't too easy or too hard. It's just right” - Linkin
“SPEC is good because it's fun. I like picking my goal and then making the work” - Connor

Seth presenting to 10K

Stephanie presenting her work
Tolson doing a Kahoot created by a classmate