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Years 7 And 8 Tāhuhu

7C And 7R Climate Change Project: Social Studies


Tāhuhu 7C and 7R students explored how humans have affected the environment. Using an inquiry-based approach, students explored environmental issues and considered possible solutions to current and future challenges. One student commented, “Climate change is overwhelming, but this inquiry has helped me realize that I can make a difference.”


We Are All Settling In Well Here At Te Aratai College

We were so excited to be in our new space and ākonga and staff settled in well. As well as our literacy and numeracy programme, we learnt all about identifying our place here at Te Aratai and the wider community. This was followed up with a cultural narrative trip to Tuawera and Ōpāwaho Awa to further connect with our cultural narrative and history of the wider community.


Now that we have space, we were able to start our Tāhuhu assemblies every second fortnight and we got our Ako Mai program back up and running. Along with this, we had two basketball teams playing down at Cowles on a Tuesday after school as well as a hockey team, netball team, football team and rugby team playing in CAIMS weekly winter sports competition.

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Tāhuhu Sharing The Aroha

As part of the Positive Hauora programme, our ākonga decided they wanted to end term 2 by sharing some aroha with all at our kura. 

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Giving Back To The Community

E tino whakakake ana mātau ki ēnei tauira mai i te Kāreti o Te Aratai!

We are so proud of these students from Te Aratai College


Tamariki were busy creating posters, spreading the word, gathering non-perishable food items, supporting their local community and working together as a team to help out LACCT, also known as Linwood Avenue Community Corner Trust. 


Our rangitahi decided it was time to give back to their community. Karla, Hayley, Carla and 10 amazing tamariki from Te Aratai College loaded the school van and headed down the road to LACCT. Tamariki were selected to present Te Aratai College and The Graeme Dingle Foundation Canterbury through their Stars Teina Programme and they did an amazing job!


A huge thank you to Dorothy, the Community Coordinator, for her time. It was awesome for the students to have such a friendly face to show them around. Dorothy explained how LACCT is run, what they have to offer and where their donations would go. 


Another successful community project completed. 

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