Below are some of the ebooks Year 7 students have created in Science this year.
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 11 Prize Winners
Year 9 Class Photos
Year 9 Class Photos
English Language Learners

Emerging Ethnic Leaders

On Wednesday the 18th of May, Ivo Baguingey and Ashlin Chandra represented Te Aratai College at the Emerging Ethnic Leaders breakfast. This was the first event of its kind in Canterbury and also nationally.
It was a wonderful celebration of student leadership, identity, language and culture. There were 41 student leaders and school staff from 22 different secondary schools. This comprised students from 26 different ethnicities. It was an amazing turnout for an early start on Wednesday morning.
The programme included speeches from the Honourable Lianne Dalziel and a keynote
address from Abbas Nazari, who also signed copies of his book 'After the Tampa' for attendees.
The real highlight though was seeing and meeting the students. What an amazing cohort of diverse students we have in Ōtautahi – and eight of them are head students in their respective schools. Each attendee was awarded a certificate and a book voucher.
It was a wonderful event and we were very proud to have two of our student leaders representing us on such an occasion.

Academic Awards Night
The Academic Awards Night was held in the Aurora Centre at Burnside High School.
The Ministry of Education was excited to invite a number of Ōtautahi schools to participate in the 2022 Academic Awards Night for top NCEA academic achievers from ethnic backgrounds. This was an opportunity to celebrate Ōtautahi’s growing diversity and acknowledge the academic successes of our rangatahi.

The Academic Awards Night recognised current students from diverse ethnic backgrounds who performed highly in their NCEA Level 2 (or higher) studies in 2021. This celebration aimed to strengthen the partnership that students, families and communities have with their teachers, schools and local and central government.

Ivo Baguingey and Alex Garcia represented Te Aratai College at the event. It was great to see the diversity of students, to hear about their amazing achievements and to share this with their family and friends.
Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Ceremony With The
Mayor Lianne Dalziel
On Wednesday the 10th of August, 16 students travelled to the Christchurch Civic Chambers to receive their awards from Mayor Lianne Dalziel. The students have been working hard over the past two years to complete their bronze and silver level awards for the Duke of Edinburgh. The awards ceremony has been cancelled in previous years due to covid restrictions, but students were very excited that the event was going ahead this year. Some of the students will be further acknowledged later in the year by the Governor-General in Wellington.
Chris Allan from Joshua Foundation has supported the students along the way. His foundation connects with rangatahi from different kura
in Christchurch. To complete the awards students have to commit to an adventurous journey, support an individual or group in their community, improve on a practical skill and engage in physical activity that increases their fitness. Each level, starting at bronze, requires a set number of hours for students to log their activities to complete the award. The most committed students will continue on up to the gold award.

The students who received the award are:
Top row, left to right: Lucas Nieuwenhuize, Katelynn Aberhart, Stella Derham, Cooper Atherton, Ben Broomhall, Evie Hearn, Skye Templeton,
Mikayla Hooper, Milly Mussett, Kadence Watson-Hall, Connor Armstrong
Bottom row, left to right: Dormay Laufiso, Summer Pool, David Templeton, Hannah Watson and Rowan Templeton.
Milly Mussett spoke on behalf of the student group and represented the students with pride in their achievements. All of them have shown resilience in completing these awards. We can’t wait to see them complete more awards that they’re currently working towards and welcome more students into the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Recycle A Device
Every Wednesday afternoon a group of 8 ākonga use their own personal time and skills to fix broken laptops and chromebooks to give to those in need.
We love to celebrate our ākonga showing manaakitanga and what a great way to do this through the RAD (Recycle A Device) program. RAD has partnered with Te Aratai College to help ākonga in our community improve learning by having access to a device. RAD receives donated laptops that need refurbishing, our ākonga fix them and the devices are then allocated to learners/whānau in need.
The RAD program is a great initiative that empowers our ākonga to develop digital engineering skills and see the value in supporting our community. We commend and celebrate with our ākonga for being great stewards of their time and skills. We trust that the program grows and the impact is felt throughout our kura.

Year 13 Dress Up Week
To celebrate the end of their schooling, our fabulous Year 13's had a fun dress up week.

What You Wanted To Be When You Were Little

Shanika as a Police Officer

Emma as a Hairdresser

(L to R) Annaka as an Artist, Sarah as a Fashion Designer, and Manishas as a Flower Girl or Princess.

(L to R) Nurse Xyrille, Doctor Rai, and Paula from the Air Force

Jamie as an Army Cadet, Trent as a dinosaur!

Sophie as a Vet

Ashlin as a Pilot
Dress As A Teacher

Kiah as Miss Anderson, Art Teacher

Rowan and Ms Bugler, Chemistry Teacher

Shanika as Ms Blomfield, Science Teacher

Hamida as Ms Bugler, Chemistry Teacher

Te Ati as Mr Edmundson, Principal

Manisha as Mrs Painter, Computer Science Teacher
Sian as Mr Draper, Food Teacher
Wear Pyjamas Or Onesie Day

Halloween And Bring Anything But A Bag

Manisha, Skylah, Sophie


Some students were very creative with the "no bag" rule - Elise had school work in the push chair, Trent had it inside the car!

Sarah and Annaka


Jamie and Trent

Shanika, Harmony and Maddie

Ashlin and Hamida

Yasmin, Sophie, Manisha, Skylah, Kiah

Elise as Gomez Addams, Rowan as Morticia Addams
Year 13 Graduation
On Wednesday 2 November, our fabulous Year 13's had a gradution ceremony in Te Puna (hall). A staff member talked about each student's resilience, achievements and future goals before they were given their graduation hoodie and leaver's certificate. It was a lovely way to celebrate an end of their secondary education.
Guidance Department 2022
A new year, a new name and a new building, yet our purpose remains the same: to support students, remove barriers to learning and encourage wellbeing across the school. We also support staff and whānau/families when students present with concerning/difficult behaviours. Therefore, we warmly welcome any contact from parents/carers if there are any concerns about a young person.
To get in touch please ring 982 0100 ext 822, email or call in at the front office and ask for Sue Ingle.
The Guidance Department is made up of a team of qualified counsellors, two registered nurses, Partnership Community Worker (PCW), 24/7 Youth workers, Social Worker in Schools, Mana Ake workers, a part time qualified social worker and a full time qualified social worker.
One counselling position is shared between Esther Dunstall (9820100 ext 820) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Tina Hartwell (9820100 ext 820) Thursday and Friday. Vicki Tanner (9820100 ext 821) works full time. All are fully registered teachers and counsellors with full NZAC membership.
Megan Malcolm, a registered social worker joined the team this year on Mondays and Tuesdays and Fridays as a Social Worker in Schools to work with the year 7 and 8 ākonga.
This gives students a wide opportunity to find a Guidance Department member that is the ‘best fit’ for the young person.
Emma Peek and Sarah Foster share the PCW role and supports students and their whānau/families to access primary health care. Emma’s contact is 021 906 919.
Our Nurse Maude Registered nurses Latasha Gilroy and Rosalie Richards are available on 982 0100 ext 805. The Nurses work closely alongside the students and their whānau/families and offers medical and emotional support. They also carry out psychosocial assessments for all year 9 students identifying any risk and protective factors.
We also have in our team enthusiastic 24/7 Youth Workers from Strengthening Linwood Youth Trust lead by Sarah Miller while Brooke Agnew was on maternity leave. Sarah can be contacted on
03 379 8463 .
Members of the Guidance Department work alongside the students in Teen Parent Unit and Alternative Education, both of which are off site.
There have been many great opportunities for students to experience success and learning outside of the class room with some of the local agency run programmes.
Mana Ake is an initiative which Te Aratai College support Yr 7 and 8 students to help them engage in their learning and strengthen their wellbeing holistically.
Nga Maata Waka Whānau Ora workers walk alongside some families to offer extra support when needed.
Waipuna run Adventure Therapy programmes on a termly basis. The students who attend these programmes experience our great outdoors, cold rivers, bush walks, rock climbing etc. They learn to understand themselves, to organise themselves, to communicate effectively, navigation skills, maths and journal every day.
Coast to Coast Rangers are a group of sporty students who are training regularly with Jess Moffat with the view of the 16 year olds competing in the February Coast to Coast. This activity is heavily subsidised by a variety of generous sponsors, and both Jess and her dad give of their time generously for Te Aratai College.
He Waka Tapu also support our ākonga. They not only participate in sport, but gain an understanding of their own identity, set goals, discuss life issues, grow in their understanding of interaction, participation, support, self-management and other invaluable skills.
Purapura Whetu support some of our ākonga and run a programme called Te Māhuri, an outdoor adventure programme. They also mentor some of our rangatahi and help them navigate through life and develop confidence and trust.
We are very fortunate to have such a strong connection within the wider Linwood Community to these various supports for the students. We all count it a privilege to work in the lives of young people and their whānau/families and help them navigate through the teenage years.

First Exams At Te Aratai
School Formal
For the first time in a couple of years, we were able to have a school formal again! Our seniors had a lovely evening of music, dancing and supper with their friends.
Credit to Chris Sexton Photography

Aupaki Conference
Kaltan and Ashlin represented our school well at the Aupaki conference, explaining what life at our kura is like, and answering questions from the floor.

Mt Hutt Ski Trip

Maori Achievement
Kāore te kūmara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka.
The kūmara doesn't speak of its own sweetness…and so we will!
We have had some amazing successes from our Māori ākonga throughout 2022 and we just wanted to take a moment to celebrate their success!
From sporting, to cultural, to academic success as well as living our school uara: manaakitanga, turangawaewae, rangatiratanga and whaunaungatanga - there is lots to celebrate from 2022!
This year, we also had our first Māori prefects: Harmony Rayner and Maddie Wilmot, who both did such a great job in their roles. From leading Te Wiki o te Reo Māori activities and competitions, to organising the kai at our first Matariki celebration, to running the fantastic Māori Achievement assembly we had at the end of term 3 - these two fantastic wāhine always rise to the challenge to support te ao Māori at Te Aratia College. They will be sorely missed when they leave. Kei ōu ringaringa te ao. The world is yours.
Here are a few photos of our ākonga celebrating their successes at the recent Māori Achievement assembly and a slideshow of the many achievements throughout the year. We are proud of all the accomplishments our learners have achieved this year and can’t wait to see what is in store for 2023!
Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu.
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.

Taste Testing School Lunches
A small group of students were invited to taste test potential school lunches for Compass, the company who provide our lunches.